Friday, April 22, 2022

Set up Facebook Pixel on Shopify | Not Working, Trackify & more

 These days, pretty much everyone wants to be an entrepreneur, and start a business to generate passive income. One easy way to get into entrepreneurship? Starting a Shopify store.

That said, you can’t just set up shop, then sit back and expect customers to magically stumble upon your store. You’ll have to drive traffic to your store — that’s where the Facebook pixel comes in.

In this guide, CartCoders walk you through what the Facebook pixel is about, and how you can install the Facebook pixel on your Shopify store to start doing digital marketing. Read on to find out more!

What is the Facebook pixel?

From a technical point of view, the Facebook pixel is nothing more than a piece of code capable of tracking the passage of users on your website.

This analytics tool is useful for anyone who wants to analyze the effectiveness of the advertising offered by the social network, and steer it in the right direction.

Its operation is based on the analysis of cookies left in the various search browsers.

Why should you create the Facebook pixel?

Why you should install the Facebook pixel on your Shopify store

A lot of people rely on Google Analytics to track their site visits online, so why use Facebook Pixel?

One of the many reasons companies rely on Pixel is because of its ability to provide better cross-device tracking than the competition from Google.

Indeed, Facebook is a social network capable of always remaining in the background on users’ devices and therefore has a greater possibility of analysis throughout the day.

Aside from this, Pixel also offers machine learning.

Machine learning is able to better educate and index your ad campaign, removing unnecessary information and highlighting the most relevant to the target user.

Through Pixel, you will also be able to create audiences on which to create better-performing campaigns and track conversions from Facebook campaigns.

Setup Facebook Pixel Methods & Tutorial

If you can’t remember whether you’ve installed the pixel on your site, there’s an easy way to figure this out.

To keep things simple, I’ve broken down how to find, add, and use your Facebook pixel on Shopify into three simple steps.

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